I am now ‘active retired’ and am Emeritus Professor of Sustainability Education at the University of Plymouth, where I worked for 12 years, mostly as Head of Education for Sustainability.

I hope you have found this website helpful.  You are welcome to write to me at hello@sustainableeducation.co.uk.  I read all emails and will normally reply if they are relevant to my work! For a complete list of my more recent publications, please visit the ‘My Materials’ section of the website. For speaking and consultancy enquiries, please complete the online contact form below. Thank you – Stephen

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    Featured publication

    Post-Sustainability and Environmental Education

    This book provides a critique of over two decades of sustained effort to infuse educational systems with education for sustainable development.

      Find out more

    “Stephen is an inspiration to the work we do at the Earth Charter Center for Education for Sustainable Development. His research, writing, and leadership in the education for sustainable development field have greatly influenced our work and my own thinking. For those of us who work on ESD, Stephen is a leading light and belongs to a select group of pioneers in the important work of educating for sustainability and fostering future generations of sustainability thinkers and leaders.”

    Mirian Vilela, Executive Director, Earth Charter International

    “Stephen’s work has provided a foundational framework for the field of Sustainability Education internationally. His work is not only immensely inspiring, it provides practical tools for changing the way we teach and learn in order to create a more sustainable, regenerative world. It has been influential to hundreds of graduate students in the Leadership for Sustainability Education program here.”

    Heather Burns, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Education, Portland State University